Retirement of Tony Trimingham OAM

20 February 2025
The Board of Family Drug Support (FDS) would like to advise all the families, friends and colleagues of FDS that its inspirational founder, Tony Trimingham OAM, has officially retired from the role CEO of the organisation.
While the Board is saddened by Tony’s decision, we do understand that he has made it with best long term interests for FDS and his health.
We could never full detail the incredible level of his achievement in not only starting FDS but growing it into Australia’s only national family organisation for people dealing with substance use issues. This is a model that has now been replicated and utilised around the world including New Zealand, UK, Ireland, USA and countries in South East Asia.
The Board would also like to release the following statement from Tony announcing his retirement and future plans with FDS:
“I have been dealing with a series of health issues that have unfortunately taken its toll on me and my ability to continue as CEO of FDS. However, with the support of the FDS Board, I will not be leaving the FDS family but instead moving to a more suitable role as Patron & Founder of FDS.
This role will allow me to be a part of the important work, growth and promotion of FDS services while also being able to hand the day to day management onto the incredible staff at FDS.
It has been an honour and privilege to help and support so many families over the past 28 years, you have been inspiring and returned that help and support in ways that I could not imagine possible after Damian’s passing.
As I am sure you will all understand that there are far too many people that I have worked with and that have supported me since 1997 than I could ever thank at this time, but I do need to acknowledge the love and support of Sandra and my family since the start of FDS. I simply could not have continued in this role without them and FDS would not be where it is today as Australia’s only national service for families dealing with alcohol and other drug use issues. This is particularly the case for Sandra who has accompanied me on this journey since the start. She also puts up with me every day for which I can never thank her enough.
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