FDS 2023 Annual Report

40 Callers to our line indicated that 60.64% are long term users, using 5 years or longer. This could be indicative of why the caller has called the line, they could be a repeat caller to the support line given the length of use and long-term problematic behaviours that can occur with long term use. The next groups we received the most calls about are those that have been using for 2-3 years (9.3%) and 1-2 years (8.49%) 61% 6% 8% 9% 8% 5% 3% Length of Drug Use 5+ Years 4 - 5 Years 3 - 4 Years 2 - 3 Years 1 - 2 Years 6 - 12 Months 0 - 6 Months 1% 51% 4% 44% Extent of Use Experimental Heavy Occasional Regular The figures in this graph suggest that drug use at regular to heavy use is problematic for callers to the line. The frequency of use seems to have a correlation to the length of use and why callers are reaching out to our service for support.