FDS 2023 Annual Report

31 Family Drug Support Remembrance Ceremonies 2022 – 25th Anniversary… 2022 marked the 25th anniversary of our first Remembrance Ceremony, which remembers people who have lost their lives to drugs. In-person ceremonies were held in Nundah in Queensland, Brompton in South Australia and two New South Wales ceremonies held at Kings Cross and Ashfield. Everyone who attended found them to be meaningful and moving. Special thanks goes to the following speakers at each of these events; they delivered very powerful and moving messages: Jill Chapman, CEO MOSH (Minimisation of Suicide Harm) at the South Australia ceremony; Deborah Jones provided her powerful emotive artwork for viewing at the Queensland ceremony; the Honourable Linda Burney MP delivered the Acknowledgement of Country at the Ashfield event; and Reverend Bill Crews and staff graciously hosted our Ashfield event Tony Trimingham OAM – Ashfield Uniting Church South Australia FDS Remembrance Ceremony Remembrance Tree – Ashfield South Australia FDS Remembrance Ceremony