FDS 2023 Annual Report

28 . QLD – Rockhampton – 22 February Rockhampton IFDSD was held on Wednesday, 22nd February 2023, at the Rockhampton Leagues Club. The event was attended by over fifty community members, including families supporting someone with an issue with substances, professionals in the AOD sector and local service providers. Rockhampton IFDSD event held at Rockhampton Leagues Club VIC – Melbourne – 23 February In Melbourne on 23 February 2023, we hosted a particularly vibrant International Family Drug Support Day (IFDSD) event at the Parliament of Victoria building. The room was buzzing from the moment we arrived. A broad range of interested parties attended including families, peer workers, people who use substances, clinicians, CEOs, the Department of Health and politicians. (L-R) Rachel, Chloe Span (FDS VIC Clinical Services Manager) and Jamie. The 2023 IFDSD event successfully fostered and reinforced connection. Family members who had earlier completed their Stepping Stones program reconnected; and relationships were formed between AOD services and the community. To capture the essence of the day, we ran a post-event survey and gained anecdotal feedback. We received 46 responses which reflect the popularity of the 2023 IFDSD. Below are some of our favourite quotes: • I liked the inclusivity, and the space and time for multiple different perspectives. The focus on harm reduction was really nice to have. • Moving personal stories combined with some policy ideas. • Great to hear a range of different stories from parents, carers, politicians, people with lived experience. • Always love hearing about the incredible value of peer support and families supporting families. It was an honour to listen to the stories shared on the day. Central location easily accessible by transport. Well catered.