FDS Insight Magazine Jun - Sep 2023
40 Not My Family Never My Child A guide for families affected by drugs Members $20; Non-members $24.95 plus $6.60 postage Please phone/fax or email/mail us in the office. Phone (02) 4782 9222 to pay by credit card. Fax: (02) 4782 9555; Email: general@fds.ngo.org.au Mailing address: PO Box 7363, Leura NSW 2780 Signed copies are available upon request. SUPPORT THE FAMILY – IMPROVE THE OUTCOME Workshop Objectives 1. Gain knowledge of successful ‘Models of Change’ for supporting families affected by someone’s drug issues. 2. Identify the five stages that families experience and effective ways to respond. 3. Learn how to communicate more effectively with families in a work and/or professional situation. 4. Develop understanding and gain skills to assist families to build resilience and improve the outcome for both the person who uses the drug and the family. 5. Recognise the importance of psychosocial education for a family in relation to the significant barriers they may face. Bookings are essential – For bookings or current information, please phone the facilitator listed or follow the Eventbrite link. Wednesday 14 June 9.30 am – 1 pm PORT LINCOLN SA Venue: Youth Hub, 1/7 Mortlock Tce (behind cinema in Tolmer Lane), Port Lincoln Enquiries: Angela 0428 271 743 or Emma 0490 785 175 by 12 June for booking or click on the link to book directly through Eventbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/support-the- family-improve-the-outcome-port-linecoln-sa-tickets- 628944569137 The Management team at Family Drug Support are in the process of compiling our 2023 event calendar for Support the Family – Improve the Outcome. For current information, please check our website: https://www.fds.org.au/meetings-events/support-the-family
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